Horsley Evangelical Church

Horsley Evangelical Church

Horsley Evangelical Church, Ockham Road North, welcomes children of all ages to our youth events. Toddler group meets Wednesday mornings from 10.00–11.45am. Come and join this friendly group where toddlers can play in a safe environment while parents/carers relax and make new friends. Friday evening is youth night with Trackers … Read More

The Arts Society Horsley

The Arts Society of Horsley logo

Formerly known as Horsley DFAS have a programme of monthly lectures on a much wider range of topics than their name would seem to imply. Lectures take place in East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue KT24 6QT at 10.30am (coffee available 9.45–10.15am). Visitors £5 and new members welcome. For more … Read More

Horsley U3A

U3A Spitfire

Meets at the East Horsley Village Hall at 10.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except July, August and December) to hear interesting and entertaining speakers. Coffee served from 9.45. The U3A welcomes new members, the only qualification being that you must be no longer in full time employment. … Read More


Affinite photo

Affinite is a local friendly club for people usually over fifty who find themselves unattached and seeking new friends. The club was formed for unattached people to meet with those in similar circumstance’s albeit bereaved or divorced for the purpose of friendship and sharing good times. Events such as dinners, … Read More